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Genie Punch(ジーニーパンチ)の扉をひらくと、ここでしか体験することのできないミステリアスで美しいランジェリーの数々に合わせられたうっとりするような香り、そしてセダクション(誘惑)の世界が広がっています。運命へと導くGENIE(ジーニー)の神秘的で甘美なランジェリーショップへようこそ。
Genie Punch 
What is Genie Punch?

Opened in 1962 the beachside Bar Genie in Okinawa started to as a bar. The colorful mixology of liqueurs from all over the world became popular, and the original cocktail "Genie", made by the owner by collecting several kinds of medicinal herbs and soaking them in alcohol, had a mysterious bitter-sweet taste and was rumored to be a legendary cocktail that brought good luck. It became the Genie bar's most popular signature cocktail.

Fifty-nine years later, the Genie Punch, now changed into a lingerie boutique, is inspired by the mysteries of medicinal herbs and gems that had been hidden from the outside for a long time from Bar Genie. We gather herbs from all over the world and mix them to create scented lingerie fragrance mists that match our lingerie, as well as gem stones sewn into the lingerie itself, to create sensual designs that you could actually wear.

We offer you the opportunity to wear Genie Punch lingerie and experience the beauty of gemstones entwined in the strings of bralettes that fall on your shoulders, fragrance that are scented to balance you and your lingerie, and a unique lingerie experience that only Genie Punch could offer.

Genie Punch