
Knit Bralet*


< Genie Punch >


Knit bralet [ sweet soft touch* ]


ニットブラレット [ スイートソフトタッチ ]




こちらの商品は 50%OFFの

¥7,980 → ¥3,990です。


< Genie Punchの特徴 >

" Lingerie + Fragrance"

"ランジェリー" と "フレグランス"の組み合わせ

Genie Punch(ジーニーパンチ)は、デザイナーのデザインしたランジェリーとそのランジェリーに合わせた専用のランジェリーフレグランスをセットでお届けします。





 " Pear Quince(ペアークインス,洋梨)"の香りです。



Genie Punchのオータムコレクション2021では、キャンドルやブランケットなどあたたかな雰囲気に包まれたコレクションでそんな雰囲気にあうランジェリーを発売しています。こちらのブラレットはニットのやわらかなブラレットで、ソフトなタッチとなっており着心地もとても良い一品となっております。ウールが入っているのでやわらかく優しい雰囲気です。またショルダーも細身で華奢で大人っぽい雰囲気です。リラックスしつつ、ちょっとしたお出かけや秋のデートスタイルにもおすすめです。



Genie Punchのランジェリーフレグランス  Pear Quince(ペアークインス,洋梨)

※こちらのブラレットをご購入の方にはランジェリーフレグランス(2ml)がセットでついてきます。ランジェリーと香りのGenie Punchならではの組み合わせを体験しぜひ楽しんでください。今回のこのニットブラレットには秋にあう" Pear Quince(ペアークインス,洋梨)"の香りをチョイスしました。洋梨のふんわり甘い香りがこのニットのブラレットにマッチし幸福感があり、優しく包み込むような雰囲気の香りです。どこか懐かしさを覚えるノスタルジックな香りなのでデートでも好きな人に親近感や距離の縮まる香りでおすすめです。



サイズ : S, M, L, 3L

お手入れ方法 : ドライクリーニングOK / 洗濯機30℃

素材 : ウール4%、アクリル41%、

   ポリエステル52% 、ポリウレタン3%





秋のおうち時間でゆっくり過ごす時にこのブラレットとその上からGenie Punchの別売りのカーディガンを羽織り、キャンドルを灯し、ゆっくりハーブティーをのむ。そんなシチュエーションにぴったりです。


















<Genie Punch>
Knit bralet [sweet soft touch *]

At the beginning of autumn,Renewal sale is in progress until 9/15.
This item is 50% off  ¥ 7,980 → ¥ 3,990.

<Features of Genie Punch>
"Lingerie + Fragrance"
A combination of "lingerie" and "fragrance"
Genie Punch offers a set of designer-designed lingerie and a special lingerie fragrance that matches that lingerie.

<Description of knit bralet>
- A knit bralet.
-The exclusive lingerie fragrance mist is "Pear Quince".

<Explanation of Bralet>
Genie Punch's Autumn Collection 2021 sells lingerie that suits that atmosphere with a collection of candles, blankets and other warm atmosphere. This bralet is a soft knit bralet with a soft touch and is very comfortable to wear. As it contains wool, it has a soft and gentle atmosphere. The shoulders are also slender, delicate and mature. While relaxing, it is also recommended for a little outing or an autumn date style.

<Special scent for this bra set>
Genie Punch's lingerie fragrance Pear Quince
* Lingerie fragrance (2ml) is included as a set with the purchase of this bralet. Experience and enjoy the unique combination of lingerie and scented Genie Punch. For this knit bralet, I chose the scent of "Pear Quince" that suits autumn. The soft and sweet scent of pear matches this knit bralet, giving it a feeling of happiness and a scent that gently wraps around. It has a nostalgic scent that makes you feel nostalgic, so it is recommended for people who like it even on dates because of its familiarity and scent that shortens the distance.

<Explanation of size etc.>
Size: S, M, L, 3L
How to care: Dry cleaning OK / Washing machine 30 ℃
Material: 4% wool, 41% acrylic,52% polyester, 3% polyurethane

>>> Situations

□ In autumn relaxing mode
When spending a relaxing time at home in the fall, put on this bralet and Genie Punch's optional cardigan over it, light a candle, and slowly sip herbal tea. It is perfect for such a situation.

□ Then, while drinking a cafe or nature wine.
Autumn is the season for Beaujolais. The wine feels better than usual and you may drink more online. In such a case, I want to show a slight skin while being natural rather than dressing too much, and I also want to look nice and gentle to the autumn atmosphere rather than wearing a summery look! it's recommended.

□ For autumn trips such as Silver Week.
For example, when traveling on vacation during Silver Week, when you want to go fresh in the morning, or when you wear this bralet, drop one drop under the armpit of the bralet. While moving, the scent rises with body temperature and the warm and refreshing scent of the pear spreads slightly. It is recommended without getting drunk with the scent while driving.

→ If you go out in the fall or go out for a long time
→ For drive and flight time
Relax because it is a non-wire type that does not have the tightening peculiar to bras.
・ Wear as a night bra
・ For relaxing time at home time

□ Genie's commitment
・ Imagine clothes and scent situations before going out
・ Try the combination yourself and stack it with trial and error.
・ Challenge is important because the scent changes when you put it on your skin individually.
・ Think about how you want to look and how you want to smell, with a proper scent strategy

Reviews [レビュー]